Signs Of A High-Functioning Drug Addict And How An Addiction Treatment Centre Can Help Them

Drug addiction can happen to anyone, and it is not always easy to spot. Some people who struggle with drug addiction can appear to be completely functional and productive members of society. These people are known as high-functioning drug addicts. They may have good jobs, maintain a stable family life, and generally avoid any major legal or financial trouble.

However, it is important to remember that addiction is a neurological disease and can have severe long-term effects on a person’s physical and mental health. That’s why it is essential to recognise the signs of a high-functioning drug addict and seek the appropriate addiction treatment centre in South Africa when necessary: 

Signs of a High-Functioning Drug Addict

A high-functioning drug addict may be able to hide their addiction initially, but eventually, signs will begin to show. Here are some common symptoms of a high-functioning addict:

  • Excuses— They often try to excuse their addiction.
  • Reward Systems— They find reasons to reward themselves with substance abuse, for example: they’ve had a bad week, they “earned” it, or they’re “just enjoying the weekend.”
  • Denial— They deny using drugs and try to convince their families that they’re sober, even when the signs clearly point toward addiction.
  • Performance Decline— Their school or work performance starts to decline.
  • Physical, Emotional and Personality Changes— They isolate emotionally, their behaviour or personality changes when using or sober, and they show signs of physical deterioration.
  • Secrecy or Dishonesty— There are signs that they hide or lie about their behaviour.
  • Coping Mechanisms— They use drugs to deal with hard times, such as when they’re stressed or emotional.
  • Financial Troubles— They have unpaid debts, are always borrowing money, or are behind on their bills.
  • Risk Taking— They exhibit risky behaviour while under the influence.
  • Legal Troubles— They get into trouble with the law with increasing frequency. 

How an Addiction Treatment Centre can help

Addiction treatment centres in South Africa offer a range of services to help individuals overcome addiction and lead a healthier, sober life. Here are some of the ways addiction treatment centres like The Cedars can help high-functioning drug addicts:

  • Detoxification— Medical professionals provide addiction detox services, where clients are able to safely detox their bodies of the addictive substance.
  • Individual and Group therapy— Addiction treatment centres offer a range of therapies, including cognitive-behavioural therapy, which aims to identify and change negative thinking patterns.
  • Aftercare and Ongoing Support— After attending an addiction treatment centre, many clients need ongoing support such as continued therapy, addiction support groups, 12-step programs, and sober living communities. 

If you or a loved one is exhibiting symptoms of a high-functioning drug addict, know that addiction treatment centres in South Africa can help. Remember, a drug-free and healthy life is possible for anyone struggling with addiction.

Although admitting to having a drug problem can be difficult, it is essential to remember that seeking help is an important step to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Get help today, contact The Cedars.