Prescription Cannabinoid Addiction Treatment
Cannabinoids are a group of substances found in the cannabis plant; apart from THC and CBD, more than 100 other cannabinoids have been identified so far. These cannabinoids are starting to make their way into the prescription drug market due to their effects on the brain, aiming to treat a range of afflictions from pain treatment to nausea medication.
Prescription cannabinoids refer to pharmaceutical drugs containing chemical compounds in the cannabis plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These drugs are typically prescribed to treat specific medical conditions and are often used as a last resort when other treatments have failed.
Some examples of prescription cannabinoids include
- Dronabinol (Marinol)
- Nabilone (Cesamet)
- Epidiolex
It’s worth noting that the use of cannabinoids for medical purposes is still a subject of ongoing research, and there is much that is still unknown about their efficacy and potential side effects. If one plans to take cannabinoids, it’s essential to talk to a healthcare provider before using any prescription cannabinoids.
As is the case with the organic versions of these substances, namely marijuana, cannabinoids do have addictive properties that can affect certain people more than others. Due to the synthetic processes involved in cannabinoid creation, these artificial changes and dosages can also make cannabinoids a far more addictive substance.
Seek out help for Prescription Cannabinoids
Addiction to cannabinoids can be challenging and overwhelming, but it’s important to know that help is available. At The Cedars Rehab Center Name, we provide compassionate and effective treatment for individuals struggling with cannabinoid addiction.
Our team of experienced counsellors understands the complexities of addiction and is dedicated to providing personalised care to help you overcome your addiction. We offer a range of evidence-based treatments, including individual counselling, group therapy, and holistic therapies that address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.
If you have a loved one who seems to have an unhealthy dependency on cannabinoids and feels that they need help, please reach out to our team, and we can discuss options with you.
Alternatively, if you are the one struggling with cannabinoids affecting your mental and physical well-being, or you have begun to spiral into a cycle of addiction.
It may be time to seek professional help.
Treating your prescription cannabinoid addiction
Cannabinoids may have side effects, including decreases in alertness, changes in mood, and a decreased appetite which can really impact your cognitive functions and your ability to make rational decisions. So the first step is to start to get your body used to the idea of living without it, and this will require a detox.
Once your system has begun to get back to normal, and the cannabinoids have left your system, we can then begin working through your addiction triggers and start the process of recovery.
During rehabilitation, you will also be provided with various tools to help you achieve long-term sobriety so that once you’re back home, you have the mental clarity and recovery information to avoid relapsing.
Post-treatment for prescription cannabinoid addiction
Once you are discharged from our facility, if you wish, you can continue treatment. We are open to providing additional post-treatment support. Studies have shown that recovering addicts who take advantage of aftercare stand a better chance of avoiding a relapse.
So reach out to us after your stay should you require additional support.
Don’t let your addiction to cannabinoids rule your life. Take control today by getting in touch with us for professional help.
The pros and cons of prescription cannabinoid rehab
There are currently no medical treatments aimed specifically at cannabinoid addiction, but behavioural therapy has proven to work for many struggling with this affliction. Behavioural therapy requires you to open up and be open to change, along with having someone with the skills and expertise to guide you at your own pace makes all the difference.
The advantages of seeking cannabinoid addiction treatment in a private rehab like ours are numerous. We are equipped with some of the top addiction counsellors in South Africa, with years of experience in helping those battling an inhalant addiction to achieve a full recovery in a safe environment.
Other benefits of getting your addiction treated in our facility include the following:
- Quick admission
- Medical supervision
- Personalised treatment
- Private care
- 24-hour supervision
- Safe and peaceful environments
- High-quality facilities
- Aftercare services
These benefits, along with tailored solutions for your specific case, are available to anyone seeking out private rehab treatment with The Cedars in South Africa. Reach out to us today and start your journey towards recovery.
chemical addictions
- Cocaine
- Crystal Meth
- Hallucinogens
- Heroine
- Inhalants
- Ketamine
- Marijuana
- MDMA/Ecstasy
- Prescription Medication
- Prescription Opioids
- Prescription Stimulants
- Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Synthetic Cathinones
behavioural addictions
- Eating Disorders
- Exercise Addiction
- Gambling Disorder
- Gaming Addiction
- Pornography Addiction
- Sex Addiction
- Shopping Addiction
- Social Media Addiction
treatment phases & length
Primary Phase
- Medication assisted stabilization and withdrawal management
- Daily group-based therapy including interactive, discussion
and focus groups - Regular individual therapy sessions with a counsellor
- Introduction to 12-Step program and written Step work
- Counselling sessions and assessments with a psychologist
- Educational workshops about addiction related topics
- Family therapy sessions (arranged by Zoom if necessary)
- 12-Step Meetings
- Community outings involving fun sober recreational activities
- Healthy meals prepared by our in-house chef, regular aerobic exercise and yoga classes offered by a personal trainer, excursions
Secondary Phase
- Daily group-based therapy including interactive, discussion and focus groups
- Regular individual therapy sessions with a counsellor
- Counselling sessions and assessments with a psychologist
- Educational workshops about addiction related topics
- Family therapy sessions (arranged by Zoom if necessary)
- 12-Step Meetings
- Community outings involving fun, sober recreational activities
Tertiary Phase
- Accommodation and meals
- Weekly check-in groups
- Check-in sessions with their counsellor, by appointment
- Weekly 12 Step meetings
post treatment support
If you require post-treatment counselling, please click here